
About Dr. Michael Horton - White Horse Inn

How important is it for you to know what you believe and why you believe it? What you know matters more than what you feel. Listen to the weekly White Horse Inn podcast to ground your faith in unchanging biblical truth.
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Born From Above

Dr. Michael Horton - White Horse Inn

Published on 03/24/2019

In John 3, Jesus tells Nicodemus that unless he is born again, he can’t even see the kingdom of God. What are the implications of this idea on the popular concept of free will? Apart from God’s gracious intervention, do people have the ability to make a decision to join a kingdom which they can't even see? What does it really mean to be born again? We put some of these questions to pastors at a recent convention, and on this program the hosts will interact with their responses as they continue their series on the Gospel of John.

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