
About Dr. Michael Horton - White Horse Inn

How important is it for you to know what you believe and why you believe it? What you know matters more than what you feel. Listen to the weekly White Horse Inn podcast to ground your faith in unchanging biblical truth.
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Did Jesus Teach Justification by Faith Alone?

Dr. Michael Horton - White Horse Inn

Published on 11/18/2018

Sometimes Christians will say things like, “I’m not interested in all those heavy doctrines that Paul talks about. I’m only interested in the simple teachings of Jesus.” But did Paul reshape the Christian message, or was he actually a faithful apostle? To put the question more sharply, did Paul invent the doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone on account of Christ alone, or was this something that Jesus himself clearly taught in a variety of ways throughout his earthly ministry? That’s the focus of this edition of White Horse Inn.

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