
About The Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast

Welcome to the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast. Pastor Josh is the founding and lead pastor of Next Level Church, a unique move of God with multiple locations. He is passionate about helping other leaders and pastors communicate the love of Jesus more effectively and grow in their leadership.
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Ep 058: What Our Staff Values (Part 3)

The Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast

Published on 03/01/2017

Welcome to Episode 58 of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast!If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media.Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode!This episode is part 3 of a 3-part series where Pastor Josh shares Next Level Church’s staff values. These 11 values are the key ingredients in shaping the staff culture of NLC. As they are shared, the hope is not that you would copy them but that they would inspire you to see the importance of creating a unified, intentional staff in whatever organization or team you lead.Click here for Part 1: here for Part 2: values covered in this episode are:It starts with me - We are problem-solvers, not excuse-makers. Urgency is the only option. We don’t wait for answers and instructions, we find solutions and execute plans. We will lead more and do less so that we are catalysts for continuous improvement.Have open hands - We will sacrifice our time, talents, and treasure for God’s church and never ask anyone else to do something we are not willing to do ourselves. We give up what we love for what we love even more in order to reach as many people as possible.It’s okay to not be okay - Our first priority is following Jesus. We will never become a full-time minister but a part-time follower of Christ. We expect authenticity and openness within our team just as we welcome it in our church. We will do ministry out of a true passion for the gospel.Celebration as worship - Celebration is how we thank God for what He is doing in and through us. We celebrate numbers at every opportunity because each one represents a soul changed by the presence of God. We choose to focus on what God is doing over what we we’ve yet to see.Quotes From This Episode:“Some of our best ideas, our best solutions have come directly from those places of need; from some of those moments of weakness. - Daniel King “Innovation is always driven out of greatest need.” - Joshua Gagnon“Open your hands, never hold onto an idea so tightly that you’re not willing to give it up. Never hold onto your position so tightly that you’re not willing to step to another one. Just open your hands and understand that everything you have you’ve been given to manage, not to own. ” - Joshua Gagnon“If you always teach from your weakness you’ll always have an audience.” - Joshua Gagnon “ When we celebrate we’re bringing worship before God.” - Joshua Gagnon“Live in an attitude of gratitude because gratitude sustains joy.” - Joshua Gagnon “If gratitude is the focus, then joy will be the outcome; and if joy is the outcome, worship will be present.” -Joshua Gagnon“We don't want to get to the end of this race and be so focused on what we have yet to see that we did not focus at all on what we have been seeing.” - Joshua Gagnon“ We can all choose to focus on what God is doing rather than what we’ve yet to see.” Daniel King “Celebrate before the win and you’ll be able to celebrate during the win.” - Joshua Gagnon

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