
About The Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast

Welcome to the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast. Pastor Josh is the founding and lead pastor of Next Level Church, a unique move of God with multiple locations. He is passionate about helping other leaders and pastors communicate the love of Jesus more effectively and grow in their leadership.
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Ep 154: Revisiting Marriage, Ministry, Leadership

The Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast

Published on 01/09/2019

Welcome to the 154th episode of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast!If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media.You and your team are invited to join us in Spring 2019 for our new Joshua Gagnon Leadership Coaching Network! Visit to learn more and to sign up!Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode!Today's episode is a re-release of a previous episode that we believe will bless you and your team as you head into 2019.Today we will be talking about the difficulties of marriage in ministry and leadership, and how you can protect and grow your marriage while being in a leadership role.Takeaways for leaders…Ask yourself, “Where do you want to end up?”Map a desire in your hearts of what you want your marriage to look like. Make the vision today so that you can begin to plant seeds for the harvest in the future.How do you create values for your marriage? Look at marriages you hope to someday have and observe what those couples are doing. Use your failures as leverage to strengthen your bond. Put up safeguards to protect your integrity and guard your hearts. Observe your own heart and baggage and recognize how that affects your marriage.Principles of marriage in ministry:Be the same at home as you are in public. Create an atmosphere of honesty in your home.Become openly broken to your spouse. Make prayer a priority. Prayer develops intimacy.Quotes from this episode...“Where do you want to end up? Nobody ends up anywhere on accident.”“If you want to end up somewhere others are, you’re stupid not to ask questions of how they got there.”“Never separate church and family.”“Create an atmosphere of honesty in your home.”“It’s tough to go to bed mad at your spouse when you make nightly prayer regular.”“When you think something good, say it.”“Ask yourself: are you rebuking and critiquing more, or affirming more?”“You will not get where you want to go in your marriage through a life of critiquing.”

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