
About The Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast

Welcome to the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast. Pastor Josh is the founding and lead pastor of Next Level Church, a unique move of God with multiple locations. He is passionate about helping other leaders and pastors communicate the love of Jesus more effectively and grow in their leadership.
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Ep 203: Building a Foundation of Celebration Culture

The Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast

Published on 12/18/2019

Welcome to the 203rd episode of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast! If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media. Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode! Pastor Josh on Instagram: Pastor Josh on Twitter: Send your leadership questions to Pre-order your copy of Pastor Josh’s upcoming book, It’s Not Over by visiting! You can also sign up to receive a sneak peak of the book! Takeaways for Leaders: We’re going to work hardest at what is most fun for us. The moments when we celebrate together will be the glue that holds us together when we’re in the fiery furnace. When we face the difficult seasons, we can’t have our teams falling apart. The sticky aspect of our teams will be celebration, passion, and building each other up. It’s all about building the character that will strengthen the culture to sustain the organization. Start by building a foundation of culture, then deal with tasks. Teams that are stuck together stick together.

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