
About Shalom Sistas

Shalom Sistas is a podcast hosted by Osheta Moore—a wifey, writer, entrepreneur, and mom who loves to talk Shalom with her favorite women, her Shalom Sistas. While Shalom is often thought of as another word for peace, it’s actually a deep and wide concept of the world as it should be— whole, flourishing, and vibrant. Being a Shalom Sista is as simple as seeing a need in the world and asking "how can I help?" Every episode, Osheta will introduce a Shalom Sista who asked that very question to share her story and give practical advice that will inspire and encourage women to be wholehearted and seek wholeness in the world right around her. We don’t’ get preachy here, but we do get personal, practical, and at times, a little playful!
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Episode 03: Meet Shalom Sista: Shannan Martin

Shalom Sistas

Published on 03/01/2016

Osheta invites Shannan Martin to share about her four different adoption stories, what happens when her dream was no longer God's best for her family (and beginning to involve ponies who made her life cra-zy), and the surprising lesson an Ecuadorian teen in an Aeropostal shirt taught her about poverty.

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