
About Bob Christopher - Just a Minute!

Hear it. Believe it. Live it.
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God Alone is Good

Bob Christopher - Just a Minute!

Published on 08/15/2017

A certain ruler that asked Jesus, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Before Jesus gave his answer, he asked the ruler “why do you call me good?” At first glance, that seems a little odd. But Jesus went on to explain. No one is good except God alone. He wanted this rich young man to know exactly who would be answering his question. But did the young ruler make the connection that Jesus Christ was indeed God in the flesh? And if he did, was he willing to listen and do what Jesus told him to do? And that’s the point for all of us. Do we really believe that Jesus is God and that he is good, and if so are we willing to trust him? How about you? Are you willing to trust the goodness of your Savior?

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