
About Southeast Christian Church

Connecting people to Jesus and one another. The weekly audio podcast of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville Kentucky. Featuring Senior Minister Dave Stone and Teaching Minister Kyle Idleman.
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Hope is Born: Hear to Here - CW

Southeast Christian Church

Published on 12/16/2018

It had been revealed to Simeon in a divine way that He would see the Messiah in His lifetime, so he waited faithfully until what he had heard was here. The prophetess Anna had every reason to be hopeless, married at a young age and now a widow- she devoted her life to telling people of the God who would come here. She saw the promise fulfilled that day where her words culminated into action. They had heard that hope was coming, but now it was here. Simeon and Anna teach us this: Trust what we don’t see and celebrate what we do. Speaker: Greg Allen

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