
About Adventures in Odyssey: The Official Podcast

Created for children ages 8-12 (but loved by listeners of all ages), Adventures in Odyssey is a 30-minute drama that combines the faith lessons parents appreciate with characters and stories that kids love! The official podcast gives behind-the-scenes information on the show, gives deleted scenes and answers fan questions.
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Jan. 10, 2007: How did you get a job behind-the-scenes? And do the actors make sound effects? -- the Sound Designers answer

Adventures in Odyssey: The Official Podcast

Published on 01/11/2007

"The 3 Musketeers" as they say -- Jonathan Crowe, Christopher Diehl and Nate Jones -- are back to answer more of your questions. Plus, an exclusive preview of 'Eugene Sings!' with 17 fun songs by (who else?) Odyssey's ukelele musician Eugene!

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