
About Adventures in Odyssey: The Official Podcast

Created for children ages 8-12 (but loved by listeners of all ages), Adventures in Odyssey is a 30-minute drama that combines the faith lessons parents appreciate with characters and stories that kids love! The official podcast gives behind-the-scenes information on the show, gives deleted scenes and answers fan questions.
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Jan. 26, 2011: Paul McCusker and Dave Arnold answer questions about The Green Ring Conspiracy, the Stilletto, titles, and more. Plus, an audio preview of album 53.

Adventures in Odyssey: The Official Podcast

Published on 01/26/2011

Dave and Paul answer your probing questions, such as "What is the title of album 54?" "Who is the Stilletto?" "What are the appropriate ages for album 53?" "When will Katrina return?" and "Why don't the episodes in album 53 have titles?" Plus, hear another exciting preview!

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