
About Mark Driscoll

Pastor Mark Driscoll is a Jesus-following, mission-leading, church-serving, people-loving, Bible-preaching pastor. He’s grateful to be a nobody trying to tell everybody about Somebody. This channel features audio content from Mark Driscoll, including sermons and event teaching. Mark preaches about Jesus with a skillful mix of bold presentation, accessible teaching, and compassion for those who are hurting the most. For more great teaching resources visit
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Jesus’ True Family

Mark Driscoll

Published on 07/30/2015

Jesus teaches that identity results in activity: who we are in Christ determines what we do. If you are a light, shine in the darkness of the world. Your light also should continue to grow brighter. Maturing as a Christian requires listening carefully to God’s Word and God’s preachers. The powerful preacher George Whitefield (1714–1770) offers six exhortations for how to listen to a sermon. Finally, in the church, serve like family; true family members hear what they are supposed to hear, and then do what they’re supposed to do.

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