
About Willow Creek Community Church

Willow Creek Community Church holds to a core belief that people matter to God. They matter to us, too. With an understanding that Jesus Christ came to earth to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10), But Jesus went beyond a mere rescue mission; he transformed lives. Jesus came to redeem this broken world, and it is on this core belief that Willow has built its mission statement: to turn irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Christ. Willow is committed to carrying on Christ's mission by reaching out to those who are far from God, coaching those who follow Christ by equipping them for their spiritual journey, and unleashing unprecedented levels of compassion and justice into our broken world. Weekend messages are a key component in reach out to others and encouraging and inspiring them along their spiritual journey.
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Journey Through John - Do as I Do

Willow Creek Community Church

Published on 02/18/2019

Do As I Do JOHN 13:1-17 | FEB 16-17 | DANIELLE STRICKLAND Garbage. Sewage. Filth. The streets Jesus and his friends walk aren’t pretty. Neither are their feet. And yet Jesus, disregarding every cultural norm, gets down on his knees and washes the feet of his followers. Jesus’ whole mission on earth was one long act of service, one that shouldn’t ever end because it continues to this day... in us. We’re called to serve the poor, the hurting, the disenfranchised, and our brothers and sisters in the faith. Will we accept the challenge to do as he has done?

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