
About Max Lucado

Max Lucado is a preacher with a storyteller's gift — a pastor's heart and a poet's pen. Max's message is simple: God loves you; let him. Max serves the people of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. He preaches and writes to the hurting, the guilty, the lonely, the discouraged.
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Just Believe Jesus

Max Lucado

Published on 10/18/2018

Suppose you give me a gift. Let’s say you present me with a new tie. I take it out of the box, examine it and say thank you, and then reach for my wallet. “Now, how much do I owe you?” I ask. You think I’m kidding. “It’s a gift,” you say, “you don’t need to pay me.” “I understand,” I respond, but show I really don’t by asking, “Could I write you a check?” In trying to buy your gift, I’ve degraded your grace. I’ve robbed you of the joy of giving. How often we rob God. Have you considered … Listen NowFor more inspirational messages please visit Max Lucado.

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