
About Rick Warren - Saddleback Church

Welcome to Saddleback! Here you will find the audio version of the messages from the weekend services at Saddleback, taught by Pastor Rick Warren and other Saddleback teaching pastors. We hope you enjoy the service and are encouraged by the message from God’s Word.
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Living By God's Promises (Outline)

Rick Warren - Saddleback Church

Published on 04/30/2017

Have you ever faced a problem in your life that seemed too big to overcome? Did you feel like you were destined to live with the outcome no matter how much you believed? The Bible tells us that faith can move mountains and that God faithfully keeps his promises. In this message at Saddleback Church, Pastor Tom Holladay shares the importance of putting our faith in the promises of God and how to move mountains in our lives. Learn how to see with eyes of faith instead of eyes of fear by thinking big, starting small, and trusting God for miracles.

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