
About R. Albert Mohler, Jr. - The Briefing

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Monday, September 21, 2020

R. Albert Mohler, Jr. - The Briefing

Published on 09/21/2020

DOCUMENTATION AND ADDITIONAL READING PART 1 (0:0 - 10:44): ────────────────── An Explosive Political Battle: What Will Happen to the Seat on the Supreme Court Now Vacant After the Death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg? WASHINGTON POST (LINDA HIRSHMAN) Ruth Bader Ginsburg had a vision for America. Her colleagues thwarted it. WASHINGTON POST (ROBERT BARNES) Ginsburg’s death sets off political battle over her replacement, Supreme Court’s future PART 2 (10:45 - 16:22): ────────────────── A Serious Threat to the Constitutional Order: What Does “Court Packing” Mean? NEW YORK TIMES (MICHELLE GOLDBERG) Can Mitch McConnell Be Stopped? LOS ANGELES TIMES (ERWIN CHEMERINSKY) Democrats have a secret weapon to thwart a rapid Ginsburg replacement. They should use it PART 3 (16:23 - 25:43): ────────────────── Who Are the Three Judges President Trump Is Reportedly Considering for Nomination to the Supreme Court?

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