
About Dr. Michael Horton - White Horse Inn

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Prosperity Gospel 2.0

Dr. Michael Horton - White Horse Inn

Published on 09/05/2021

In the past, prosperity gospel evangelists were known for their slick suits, gaudy television sets, and prayer cloths. But according to Dean Inserra, this kind of instant health and wealth teaching is now a fringe movement that is more broadly mocked than followed. In its place, a new prosperity gospel has emerged that is now going mainstream. So what are the characteristics of this “new and improved” version, and who are the leaders of this movement? On this program, Shane Rosenthal talks with Dean Inserra, author of Getting Over Yourself: Trading Believe-in-Yourself Religion for Christ-centered Christianity. __________ To receive our new collection, Christianity and Pop Culture: Understanding Our Time, for a donation of any amount go to __________ Sign up now to join Michael Horton and others for one of our two-day Modern Reformation Weekend Conferences. To sign up, head over to __________ Sign up for our newsletter and receive our free digital download collection on Justification -

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