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Connecting people to Jesus and one another. The weekly audio podcast of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville Kentucky. Featuring Senior Minister Dave Stone and Teaching Minister Kyle Idleman.
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Rebuilding Blocks: Community

Southeast Christian Church

Published on 09/25/2011

The broken down walls around the city of Jerusalem were a shameful reminder that due to the sin of the Jewish people, God had allowed the city to be destroyed. But if somehow the Jews could come together with widespread involvement and rebuild the walls, it would indicate that God was truly bringing restoration to His people. At first, Nehemiah 3 looks like just a list of names. It's a record of who did what; it's more of a work journal, lists of names and responsibilities. At first glance, that's what we see, but today we will learn that when we put it all together you have community, and when community occurs, amazing things can be accomplished. Nehemiah faced the challenge of how to motivate spectators to become participants.

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