
About Mark Driscoll

Pastor Mark Driscoll is a Jesus-following, mission-leading, church-serving, people-loving, Bible-preaching pastor. He’s grateful to be a nobody trying to tell everybody about Somebody. This channel features audio content from Mark Driscoll, including sermons and event teaching. Mark preaches about Jesus with a skillful mix of bold presentation, accessible teaching, and compassion for those who are hurting the most. For more great teaching resources visit
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Running To Your Funeral: Ecclesiastes 2:12-26

Mark Driscoll

Published on 08/24/2015

If you stop to think about your work, what it’s accomplishing, and why you should keep working, you will likely end up very discouraged, start wearing black, and listening to bands fronted by people whose dad did not hug them enough. But, this kind of reflection on "why we do what we do" is rare because we are so stressed out by our work that we lay awake at night, so overwhelmed by what we have to do that we don’t even have the time or energy to ask if we should be doing it.

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