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Tales of Leadership and Life with Jo Saxton and Pastor Steph O'Brien
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S01: Episode 51: The Leader Behind the Scenes: With Amy Boucher-Pye

Lead Stories Podcast

Published on 11/14/2016

Meet Amy Boucher-Pye, an American writer and leader who lives in London, England. This week Jo chats with Amy about what leadership looks like for her and why she has found it hard to see herself as a leader at times. Amy shares about how God helped her to forgive a person who betrayed her, what she has learned about what forgiveness looked like in the Old and New Testament and some of the costs of leadership. Amy also shares some of the practical exercises she uses on retreats to help people forgive and express grief (see discussion questions and exercises below). Check out Amy’s website: Amy’s books: Finding myself in Britain The Living Cross Discussion questions and exercises Amy shares: 1) Amy says: ‘We have to learn to forgive or it hurts us.’ Share a time when God helped you forgive someone who had hurt you. What were some of the things that helped the forgiveness process? 2) Spend some time praying and asking God to show you if there is any one you need to forgive. Take or make a cross and when you are ready place the name of that person on the cross. Remembering that the cross was a place of exchange, so take some time to stay at the cross to receive what God wants to give to you. 3) Take some time to write down a lament - a grief or something you cannot change. Be specific and then find a space (ideally a wall, but be creative!) where you can deposit your lament prayer as a way of releasing it. Follow Lead Stories Podcast to interact with Steph and Jo: Twitter: @LeadStoriesVox Instagram: @LeadStoriesPodcast Facebook: LeadStoriesPodcast Connect with Jo at: @josaxton Connect with Steph at: @pastorstephMPLS Subscribe on iTunes to have the podcast automatically download to your device every week or listen at

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