
About Watermark Audio: The Porch Channel

This podcast is a production of Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas, USA. Watermark exists to be and make more fully devoted followers of Christ, looking to God's Word as our only authority, conscience and guide.
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Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

Watermark Audio: The Porch Channel

Published on 06/07/2016

We live in a time where Christians blend into culture rather than standing out. But what does real faith look like — the kind of faith that we act on, not just using it as a get out of jail free card? As we see from the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3, real faith is counter cultural, it's uncompromising, and it converts critics. As Christians, we are meant to stand out and go against the grain of what society says to bring God glory. We want people to ask us why we are different, and who Jesus is. Are you ready to stand out and go all in with Christ?

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