
About Dr. Michael Horton - White Horse Inn

How important is it for you to know what you believe and why you believe it? What you know matters more than what you feel. Listen to the weekly White Horse Inn podcast to ground your faith in unchanging biblical truth.
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The Spirit of Truth

Dr. Michael Horton - White Horse Inn

Published on 09/08/2019

In his upper room discourse, Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as “another advocate.” Why is this significant, and how does it relate to the theme of John’s Gospel as a whole? Also, many people in our day associate the work of the Spirit with ecstatic experiences or that tingly feeling you get during worship, but in this section of John’s Gospel Jesus refers to him as “the Spirit of truth.” How should we think about the person and work of the Holy Spirit in our own time and place? The hosts will discuss these and other questions as they continue their discussion of John 14.

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