
About R. Albert Mohler, Jr. - The Briefing

The Briefing is a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

R. Albert Mohler, Jr. - The Briefing

Published on 08/26/2020

DOCUMENTATION AND ADDITIONAL READING PART 1 (0:0 - 7:35): ────────────────── Advice from a Preacher to a Political Party: Don’t Miss an Opportunity to Make Convictions Clear PART 2 (7:36 - 14:10): ────────────────── A Battle for the Future of Canada’s Conservative Party is a Sign of the Times WALL STREET JOURNAL (PAUL VIEIRA) Canada’s Conservative Party Selects Former Military Officer as New Leader WASHINGTON POST (J.J. MCCULLOUGH) Canada’s Conservatives pick Erin O’Toole as leader — and reject the temptation to go left PART 3 (14:11 - 19:35): ────────────────── Why the Political Class Misses the Obvious in Demanding ‘Gender Equality’ in Congress WASHINGTON POST (SERGIO PEçANHA) What will it take to achieve gender equality in American politics? PART 4 (19:36 - 24:26): ────────────────── The Church that ‘Mirrors the Society’ Is No Longer Salt and Light: A Warning

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