
About SermonIndex

SermonIndex is not an attempt by man to build something for God. It began as God gave the burden and only will continue as He is guiding the work being fully trusted. It began by a work of God's Spirit and for His glory: Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD Almighty (Zechariah 4:6). The work and ministry of SermonIndex can be encapsulated in this one word: revival. Concepts such as holiness, purity, christ-likeness, self-denial, and discipleship are hardly the goal of much modern preaching. Thus the main thrust of the speakers and articles on the website encourage us towards a reviving of these missing elements of Christianity.
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When God Stepped Down From Heaven By Duncan Campbell


Published on 05/04/2014

Listen to this first-hand account of the Lewis Revival during the early 1950s. Duncan Campbell was God's instrument in this extraordinary awakening. In this tape Campbell recounts point-by-point this three-year movement of the Holy Spirit over the Hebrides Islands. Thousands were converted, conviction overwhelmed villages, outward sin disappeared, and prayer meetings were packed! Your heart will be thrilled as you listen to this tape about this heaven-sent revival in Lewis.

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