
About Bob Christopher - Just a Minute!

Hear it. Believe it. Live it.
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Who Controls You?

Bob Christopher - Just a Minute!

Published on 09/15/2017

I learned very early in ministry this truth… What or who you worship will ultimately control you. Think about it. The things or people that you bow to as important and meaningful shape the way you think, feel and act. But those things or people don’t always have your best interest at heart. Only Jesus does. He is the one who loves you and gave himself for you. And that’s why the Bible tells us to Worship Him and him alone. There are lots of things out there in the world trying to win you over. But as Paul said, for no good. Your heart belongs to the Lord. Bow to him and trust his love to shape the way you think, feel and act. This is the only way to experience life to the full.

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