
About Dr. Michael Horton - White Horse Inn

How important is it for you to know what you believe and why you believe it? What you know matters more than what you feel. Listen to the weekly White Horse Inn podcast to ground your faith in unchanging biblical truth.
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Worship in Spirit & Truth

Dr. Michael Horton - White Horse Inn

Published on 04/28/2019

Throughout Israel’s long history, true worship was limited to the area of the tabernacle, which was later transformed to become the Jerusalem temple. But in John chapter four, Jesus says that “the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.” What are the implications of this statement, and are there any hints in the Old Testament that such a transition would take place? On this program, Shane Rosenthal discusses this with G.K. Beale, author of The Temple and the Church’s Mission.

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